Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Academic research and bibliography

Task #2 is to pull this information together in an updated blog posting of all your notes and quotes so far INCLUDING a complete bibliography of your research so far. Make sure you include the following:
  • Author-Year-Title-Place-Publisher info; 
  • Quotes (+ Page References) from the book that can be linked to your study; 
  • A short explanation of each one explaining how it is relevant to you/your topic. 
  • Finally, post up on your blog a Complete Bibliography (so far) to include ALL the books you currently have quotes from. It MUST contain at least TEN different academic books or journalsas well as all your online and Media Magazine sources. 
  • Note: your FINAL bibliography will be much more extensivethan this - we are simply looking for a minimum of 10 academic sources from your research so far. 
1) Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class. London: Verso, 2011. Print. Written by Owen Jones

"More than half of the city's children live in poverty."  pg-73

I could use this quote to support me on my SHEP when i want to speak about other issues and debates surrounding this topic

2) The Establishment: And How They Get Away with It. Print. Written by Owen Jones

"you're aware that you are being othered"

"you're are seen as almost as the enemy of the state"

"you're seen as more likely to commit crime and most likely to be unemployed"

3) The Language of the News. London: Routledge, 2007. Print. Written by Martin Conboy 

"Newspapers has always had a central role in creating 'Imagery communities" 

"a continuing position in youth crime in urban areas of britain which makes sense as a form of shorthand within the accepted norms of the newpaper"

4) The English Riots of 2011 a summer of Discontent. Hook, UK: Waterside, 2012. Print. Written by Daniel Briggs 

- "While the riots of 2011 announced a new chapter in violent youth disorder Britain was already in the thick of a moral panic concerning its young people" pg-45

This explains how the London riots caused a moral panic through youth disorder, a moral panic is an instance of public anxiety or alarm in response to a problem regarded as threatening the moral standards of society. I could use this quote for my SHEP wider context analysis. 

5) Riot City: Protest and Rebellion in the Capital. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Print. Written by Clive Bloom

-"Youth unemployment are signs of increasing crime, relationships between communities and the police and the use of stop and search"  

6) Media Portrayal of Young People – impact and influences written by Catherine Clark, Amrita Ghosh, Emrys Green, Naushin Shariff

"We also found that media stories are not representative of the youth population as a whole, as they tend to focus on minority groups that are extreme examples of young people. For example, if the content of the story is negative it's usually very bad, focusing on young people who are criminals or badly behaved. Positive stories are often linked with the self achievements of extraordinary individuals with rare talents, rather than average young people. Evidently not all young people are like these two extremes" 

7) Speaking and Listening: The 2011 English Riots written by: Leah Bassel

"The concerns of this paper speak to broader debates over the mediated politics of representation and how fair representation is not only an issue for the industry but for democratic representation in society as a whole"

8) mad mobs and English 

"Yet its coverage did not necessarily counter more generally negative representations of young people in the media. Media reports did not reflect that more young people were involved in the clean-up operation than the riots and a submission to the Leveson Inquiry by the Youth Media Agency 'highlighted the "discriminatory attitude of the media towards children and young people during and following the riots"' (Victims Panel Final Report 2012: 84)[10]"

9) London riots 2011

-"Its constituent elements were gangs, shootings, stabbings, family dysfunctions, lack of community cohesion and the hovering background ambiance of 'gangsta rap' music." pg-45

This is a quote talking about why some people may have took part in the London riots, this is a representation of why some people took part because from all the other articles most of the rioters said they did this because of their hate towards the police.

-"when interviewed about youth behavior during the riots, Kenneth Clark, the justice secretary said that Britain had cultivated a 'lost generation' of young people" pg-45

This is a quote from Kenneth Clark who is secretary of justice, and he believes that the young people of Britain are misguided and are part of a "Lost generation"

The Gordon Riots: Politics, Culture and Insurrection in Late Eighteenth

"There has been some research looking at how young people feel about the media, and about how they are represented. The British Youth Council did a survey to find out young people’s views on how they are portrayed by the media and by politicians. The survey had over seven hundred responses from 12-25 year olds. Amongst the key findings were that 98% felt that the media always, often or sometimes represents them as antisocial."

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