This is a broadsheet newspaper reporting the day after the riots. they titled the article saying "Blame the police; "why the rioters say they took part". During the london riots alot of people didnt understand the reason why all these youths had so much anger, there was the belief that the riots were just because of the police assisination of mark duggan, however alot of other people who rioted had their own reasons such as; Previous police harrasment, goverment not supporting the lower class and the misrepresentations of society. The media language shows that this newspaper isnt going directly at the youth but it is showing that they are showing both sides of the story. This is mainly targeted at the ABC1 audience which are people who probably wouldnt have any links to the youth and they wont understand what they go through. This represents the youth to be protesters rather than rioters because this newspaper is probably trying to communicate that there is a reason behind them protesting rather than doing it just to loot. Next, the use of the image on this front page also very powerful, the image looks like its representing an image of hell from the darkness.in addition to this, they have also included quotes from the youths who participated in the riots and in these quotes they show alot of anger towards the police. The gaurdian didnt use any images of anyone invloved in the riots which was interesting.
This is a tabloid newspaper which is completely different to the broadsheet one. this can be seen immediately from the use of images. in this picture you can see a british youth who is represented to be a villian to society, this is because in the image we can see the youth who is wearing a hooded tracksuit and covering his face, and behind him there is a large fire which looks like it came from a car explosion, from the first look at this image we get a an understanding that they are trying to create a sense of fear for the audience. Next, the title says "The anarchy spreads" this word means a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems. in addition, there was a also a quote on the front page saying "To blame the cuts is immoral and cynical . This is immoral criminality pure and simple" this quote is basically expressing that the rioters are pure criminals and are rioting for no logical reason whereas the gaurdian talks about both sides and also speaks from the rioters perspective.This image reinforces the popular stereotype which believes that young british males are chavs, negative and violent people. This can be linked to Medhurst theory of stereotypes which believes that we label a group of people as a shorthand to describe them.This image also looks very dark to the audience which makes them get the understanding that these youths are uncontrollable. Also, the fire in the image shows that these youths are creating hell. In conclusion, this shows the difference on how a broadsheet delivers news and a tabloid paper delivers news.
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